Finally the latest update for
The Power of Hightech Warfare is done. But there is bad news I have to tell you with this update... Well, first of all I will start with the good news:
Demo Version 0.9.0 (OPEN BETA FINAL)Since I announced that we were continuing our work we've changed a lot, and have especially optimized the gameplay. Below you can find a list of the major changes, compared to
Version 0.8.0:
- The construction yard build system is now removed for better performance (you are building with dozers / workers / drones again).
- Many major bugs are now fixed that caused crashes.
- Navy War game mode is optimized.
- Headhunter game mode is optimized.
- Bugs in the outpost mode are now fixed. This base mode is optimized as well.
- The USA now has a counterpart unit to the Heavy Gunner on the Pandora Forces side: the American Overlord can be upgraded with an Avenger-, Paladin tank- or Tomahawk turret and has a Point Defense laser.
- New commanding unit for the Pandora Forces (the old one has been replaced).
- Commanding units for the No-Base mode.
- Many new icons.
- You don't need to place units in the Headhunter and No-Base modes now. Instead the ordered units are automatically delivered within a specific range. This feature speeds up the gameplay and the operation will be much easier without the building range.
- Instead of the hero Sattania you now have the female robot Allen on the Pandoras side.
- Ore Transformer added.
- The test faction from v0.8.0 - which shouldn't be in the game - is now removed.
- New EVA voices for the Pandoras.
- New transformation sound for the Siege Tank.
- Hunter takeoff sound and effects added.
- Wormhole general ability has been reworked.
<< DOWNLOAD NOW! >>Please note that the installer may pause for a few seconds or minutes, but it will continue the installation. So don't worry. ;)
Screenshots (click to view in full size):

<< THIS >> will may help you to set the game modes.
And a small extra for your:
Wallpaper 1 1024x768Wallpaper 2 1024x768Wallpaper 3 1024x768Wallpaper 4 1024x768Wallpaper 5 1024x768Please note: I only take credits for positioning the model!
And now to the bad news I announced above:
This is the last version of TPoHW for Zero Hour, since we want to close this chapter once and for all to focus on more important things for which we otherwise have not had enough time. We fixed the most important bugs and some balancing stuff as well: we optimized the gameplay and added most of the button images. So we hope that you still have some fun with this last version of the mod. A big thanks goes to team and to everyone who supported this project as well! Also I have to thank all the fans of this mod! It was a long, exciting and quite a bit stressful time.
With this I'm saying good bye to the Generals / Zero Hour Modding-Community.
Your TPoHW-Team